Actress Deepika singh of the TV serial ‘Diya Aur Baati Hum’ slapped her co-star Anas Rasheed in the front of whole unit. This was not apart of the show..but she slapped him in real.
Deepika alleged that Anas was unnecessarily touching her here and there and sexually harassing her. That’s why she slapped him in the front of whole unit.
According to the report.. in a scene, Anas has to hold Deepika from her back..but,just after the shooting, Deepika complaint to the unit that Anas touched her in wrong way. After this complaint too..unit didn’t take any action.So, next day Deepika slapped Anas.
When Anas asked regarding this..he called it false. According to Ans, Deepika may allege some more on him. It is very well known that Deepika and Anas are in main lead role in ”Diya aur Baati Hum’. But, they never talk to each other.
Well..Deepika has lodged a complaint against Anas in cine association.